Software Engineering Solutions

Ensar utilizes top-tier   technologies, processes and expertise to deliver exceptional results throughout the product’s lifecycle - from ideation to development, launch, and scaling.

Experts in Engineering quality

The success of software engineering solutions relies on the synergy of highly qualified professionals, deep industry knowledge, refined processes, and top technologies. Integrating best practices in Architectural Design, Quality Assurance, Agile, Security, and more, Ensar ensures superior quality throughout every phase of product development.

For over 10 years, we have been expanding and refining our software engineering expertise to deliver efficiency, speed, and tangible value to our clients. Evolving from an innovative product company to a global software development service provider, we have cultivated our engineering culture with an unwavering commitment to quality.

Software engineering solutions with far-reaching business impact

Engineering assessment and best practices implementation

Mitigate risks, improve code quality, ensure successful project delivery, and reduce costs.

  • Code quality: code review, technical debt management, and other best practices

  • Establishing effective CI/CD

  • Architecture design and implementation

  • QA evaluation

  • Project management: requirements, risk assessment, etc.

  • Product management: value proposition, strategic planning, etc.

Quality assurance

Improve product quality, ensure quicker delivery, enable continuous improvement, and reduce unnecessary spending.

  • QA consulting: assessment and advisory, test documentation creation, training, and more.

  • Test automation: QA process initiation, regression testing, etc.

  • Testing process setup: strategy definition, planning, environment setup, etc.

  • Performance and security testing

  • Functional and non-functional testing 

  • Acceptance testing and defect management

Product management

Maximize the success and value of your product, boost conversion rates, enhance customer satisfaction, and increase profitability.

  • Value proposition analysis

  • Product strategy refinement

  • Customer development implementation

  • Data analytics systematization (KPI's, and success metrics evaluation)

  • Roadmap prioritization and visualization

  • PoC and MVP creation

Experience design

Build products your users will love, enhance customer loyalty and retention, increase sales, and gain a competitive advantage.

  • Design research and exploration

  • Ideation and feature validation

  • Wireframes creation

  • User interviews and testing

  • Prototypes and mockups

  • UI and interaction design

Agile transformation

Reduce development time and costs, eliminate inefficiencies, foster innovation, and accelerate time to market.

  • Agile evaluation

  • Agile training and workshops

  • Agile product development

  • Scrum and Kanban setup and consulting 

  • DevOps integration

  • Organizational agility enhancement


Eliminate system vulnerabilities, protect your business from cyberattacks, enhance cyber resilience, and prevent data breaches and reputation damage.

  • Application security assessment

  • Infrastructure penetration testing

  • Vulnerability management

  • Security architecture review and threat modeling

  • Secure SDLC advisory

  • DevSecOps and secure CI/CD consulting

How we ensure prime quality of our software engineering services

Top-tier experts

  • A rigorous tech interview process to hire top experts.

  • Competency mapping and regular technical evaluations to monitor and encourage professional growth.

  • Emphasis on soft skills to ensure effective communication and cultural alignment.

  • Technology Office unites top consultants, solution architects, and engineers to drive innovative technologies, introduce best practices, and ensure service excellence.

  • Learning and Development Center identifies upskilling opportunities, addresses skill gaps, launches training programs, and promotes professional development.

  • Ensar University for aspiring solution architects aiming to grow into new roles and build innovative solutions for our clients.

  • A mentorship program that enables our specialists to learn from the best, share knowledge, and acquire new skills.

  • Support for professional certifications, including collaborative study groups and full reimbursement for certification fees.

Best-in-class processes

  • Agile methodology in software development, which accelerates product delivery and enhances software quality.

  • Engineering Excellence Center develops and introduces best practices, conducts internal and external engineering assessments, and ensures top-quality services.

  • Extensive adoption of engineering best practices across our organization, including code reviews, automated code inspections, technical debt management, CI/CD, etc.

  • Project Management Office promotes project management best practices and agile methodologies across all projects.

  • Security is integrated into the SDLC to ensure your software is resistant to security threats at every phase.

  • CI/CD pipelines are established to expedite development cycles, improve code quality, and ensure reliable system deployment.

  • Strong emphasis on Quality Assurance, including comprehensive testing, development of test strategies and plans, selection of optimal testing tools, and QA workflow setup.